I have no idea if many people truly follow this blog (I'm inept at reading the sitemeter stats). I have quite a few followers, but I know I personally don't read every blog I follow. But for those of you who do actively follow and may have wondered why my posts are few and far between it's because I've started another blog, so, yes, I'm cheating on "kiddo's shenanigans" right now. It's not the most pleasant of affairs, as the purpose of my mistress blog is to journal my road to recovery from bipolar disorder. I've been on a downward spiral since 2008 and medication alone is not the answer. I've enrolled myself in an intensive outpatient mental health program which meets Monday through Friday for four hours each day. It's a group therapy setting so I'm able to share with and listen to other people in situations very similar to my own.
I decided to make the new blog in order to channel my feelings and emotions in the most effective way I know how which is writing about them. I also hope that sharing my story can help those who also may be suffering from a mental illness and feel like they're all alone; I know right now that's one of my biggest issues. I also hope to educate others who don't understand what it's like to have a mental illness. I've already been successful as one of my friends was able to learn a lot from one of my posts and asked to share it with her friends on Facebook, which I was more than happy to let her do so. I understand that my new blog may not be something that many people would feel comfortable reading. It's raw and honest, and that makes a lot of people uncomfortable; which is why I chose to keep it separate from this one. If you are interested in reading
"The Journey," by all means please do so. A friend of mine likes to call it "Kiddo's Road to Wellville" which I think is perfectly fitting. I am determined to beat, or at the very least, manage the hell out of this disease.