Sunday, January 31, 2010

My New Obsession

Today is my second day of being stranded in my house due to the snow and ice storm that hit. Normally it wouldn't bother me in the least as I'm pretty reclusive to begin with, but this time it's different; I can't access the web from my computer!

This tragic occurrence has led me to become obsessed with my new smartphone. I discovered that I can send shit from my MacBook to this phone (which is only PC compatable) via the magic of Bluetooth! I'm truly in awe! I'd always assumed Bluetooth was only good for making people look stupid and insane as they walk about talking to someone no one else can see. (Oh and for lazy asses such as myself who refuse to walk two feet from the computer to turn on the printer).

Here is a picture of my father's father's family which I magically transferred to my phone from my Mac without the assistance of a cable. I really hope this whole blogging via text message works. It's my first time. :) NOTE: I tried posting this via text twice and it didn't work. We'll see if e-mail posting works out any better.


Anonymous said...

it worked!
oh man i know what it's like to feel stranded at home due to snow, and you're right wether we chose to go out a lot at other times or not, it still feels kinda off lol and doubly so if there's no proper interwebbery!

..oh and also that's a proper cool old timey photo, and oh so americana

lollywood said...

i got an iphone recently and i dont know what i would do without it.. its so handy!!!

we were stuck inside due to the snow and ice this weekend, but i didnt really mind it until we started running low on leftover pizza and i was itching for a hot meal not cooked by myself! haha we ended up walking to a diner down the street and eating!