Monday, September 21, 2009

Honest Scrap

First off, I am an idiot and it often takes me a long time to catch on. I was browsing through comments on my blog today and came across the screen name "Yahán Nabih" which I have encountered many times before in previous comments on my blog. It was only today that my dumb ass realized that this is none other than my dear friend Alejandra (a.k.a. Ale)! Ale is from Mexico, and I met her on Cut Out + Keep, a crafting community, nearly a year ago. Though we are separated by thousands of miles; I consider her one of my best friends. In the comment that sparked my "Ah ha" moment, she mentioned that she had nominated me for the "Honest Scrap" Award. So thank you my dear Ale. I love you!

The object of this is to list 10 honest things about yourself, to invite eight other bloggers, and mention the blogger who selected you.


1. Like Ale mentioned on her list of honesty, I'm a huge procrastinator. I will most likely always find anything else to do other than what I should be doing. Yes, I'm procrastinating now. (I inherit it from my father).

2. I have been holding onto the hope that a hopeless relationship that ended nearly a year ago will rekindle and I'll live happily ever after. A good friend set me straight last night, and I'm forever grateful for his honesty. Love you, Sala!

3. I am a horrible housekeeper! My bedroom currently looks like a frat boy's room minus the booze, illegal drugs, and well . . . the frat boy.

4. I have a huge crush on a guy who I've only conversed with on the internet. The meeting was not via a dating site, but purely by coincidental circumstances. He lives far away, thinks I'm nuts, but I can't help but adore him.

5. I cannot make myself watch videos on YouTube. Maybe it's laziness. Perhaps it's my ADD. If a friend insists I do so I become highly irritated.

6. I have a phobia of the grocery store. My parents occasionally provide me with groceries. Otherwise, it's heart clogging fast food.

7. The only thing I use my oven for is baking polymer clay and the stove top is sometimes used to boil water. I don't cook.

8. I have no idea what I want to do with my life career wise. Doing something creative would be ideal, but let's face it; that typically doesn't pay the bills.

9. I more than likely cannot have my own biological children. I've been pregnant twice by a long-term boyfriend in my early and mid-twenties. I had two ectopic pregnancies, lost some organs, nearly died, etc. I used to be terribly torn up about the prospect of not having children of my own. Then I experienced the terror that is my niece!

10. I've had way too much coffee today and must take a bathroom break before I mention my 8 victims. (Well that's honest. Maybe not what you'd wanted to hear, but honest nonetheless).

As for the 8 "victims," they may chose to do this or can punk out. Just kidding! Many of the bloggers I follow write about subject matter purely dedicated to their craft or are just way too busy. I will invite the following eight ladies to join in if they choose: (I apologize if I'm duplicating invitees).


Sugar's Dream and RL said...

dun duuun dun!!! wow ten things...i have to really think on this and get back to you...looks like fun! AND total gasp on never cooking! Need to get you over here and eat some of my cooking!

kiddomerriweather said...

I made need a new place to live really soon. Texas, here I come . . .

bb mumblings said...

8. I have no idea what I want to do with my life career wise. Doing something creative would be ideal, but let's face it; that typically doesn't pay the bills.


TiLT said...

Love the list :) I'll have to think about my 10 :)
And your stove - I say count it as cooking if the clay looks like food :P

career - my dad is retiring soon & still wonders what to do with his life, lol :) - that's his way of saying to just do b/c life changes & you just gotta roll with it :)

lollywood said...

i'm banking on winning the lottery and opening up my own store for me and all my creative friends to sell at. once i do, i'll let you know :)

the past year, i've experimented with lots of crafts but the one that has stuck the most was polymer clay. its the most fun and lets me be super creative!

Anonymous said...

i'm totally gonna do this! I just saw your comment!

Static White said...

Hmm I have to think on this...