Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Folks, I'm Sick. Please Give Me a Break!

I'm going through a rough time in my life, and those of you who are true friends know this. I have bipolar disorder and was recently hospitalized for a suicide attempt. My depression is still not under control as during my last suicide attempt, I lost my best friend in the world and he has now chosen to act as if I succeeded in ending my life. I'm still plagued by suicidal thoughts and comments attacking my religious beliefs (especially since the person doing so is still friends with my former best friend) are exacerbating the problem. So if you don't have anything nice to say, please keep your mouth shut!


Jonesy said...

i have no interest in this but you seem determined to drag me in. if you insult someones faith you'll get a reaction, if you wanna make stupid comments bout Jesus you can't then whine about people defending Him, you may find it acceptable but other people don't and when you post it online you open it up to public consumption and thus invite people to comment, don't like it? don't post a blog then.

candice said...

wait... Robert!!! I'm so glad you're okay! jeez, it's been a while. those cans work out okay?

so Kiddo... you're saying you can say whatever you want, but we have no freedom of speech in response? what Rob said is exactly on key with what I said about being ready to back up your side. not so much the whole "don't blog" part, but if you're gonna throw out a hot-topic issue like that, it will ruffle some feathers and you can't tell people to not give their opinion. I will express what I believe when someone hurts my feelings... which I voiced along the way is what I was doing and yet you still assumed I was just trying to hurt you. but again, I was in NO WAY attacking you so stop accusing me of doing it. I'm sorry you're plagued with these mental demons that have told you otherwise, Kiddo, but we are not out to get you whether you've read into all I've said like that or not.

kiddomerriweather said...

What part of leave me the hell alone don't y'all get? Maybe I should make it a little clearer. FUCK OFF!!!

candice said...

nice. now Jesus is definitely crying.