Friday, April 23, 2010

I'm Stoked!

As many of you know, I've been severely depressed for almost a year now. I've been spending a lot of time on deviantART lately and just a couple of days ago I came across the most amazing artist: this_is_nati. Natalia is from Puerto Rico and is beaming with talent! The art pictured above really caught my eye, not only for the colorful random goodness exploding from the girl's head, but because the title of it is "Happy Thoughts." I've not been having too many of those lately, but this picture made me smile.

One of my fellow dA friends decided that I had to have this piece of art, so he purchased it for me. I was so happy, I about cried! But that's not all of it! Natalia was giving away a drawing to her 2000th viewer, which just happened to be me! She asked what I would like incorporated into my drawing and I said, "bunnies, robots, and rockets." (She also has an affinity for robots.)

So needless to say, I'm very happy with these recent fortunate events! I will cherish Natalia's art forever and be ever so grateful to my friend for buying me the print that I coveted.

EDIT: I didn't expect to receive Natalia's kiriban drawing so soon, but I just got it a couple of hours ago! It's titled "And Away We Go." Here it is, and it's fabulous!

Much love,