Friday, April 2, 2010

Good Friday

Good Friday wasn't so good for me, but it wasn't very good for Jesus either, so I guess I'm in great company. That is all.

(Happy Zombie Jesus Day on Sunday, just in case I don't tell y'all then--that means Happy Easter, and yes, I'm a Christian. Thanks for asking).



Sugar's Dream and RL said...

haha love it!

candice said...

ya sure?

kiddomerriweather said...

Yes, I'm certain.

candice said...

so then you're making him cry on purpose?

kiddomerriweather said...

I seriously don't think Jesus is crying over this blog post. My Jesus has a sense of humor. You're being mighty judgmental and I don't appreciate that. This conversation is over. Please return to Bumpo's sandbox.

candice said...

I don't doubt he does, but I'm pretty sure making light of the greatest thing He's ever done for the world would grieve His Father considerably. MY Savior did not come back as a demon possessed "zombie" he came back to LIFE and that's something I would never want to confuse non-believers or baby Christians of, and as a Christian you should understand how important your witness is. This post deeply hurt my heart.

kiddomerriweather said...

I understand your point and I deeply respect it, but you have no idea how your comments are truly effecting me. Not because you're attacking my faith because I have no question about my own beliefs. It is because I recently lost my best friend, Rob, and having someone that is also close friends with him coming to my "safe place" and leaving these sorts of comments on a daily basis devastates me. I am trying to forget him, but it's impossible when you leave these comments. I'm deeply depressed over the situation and have not left my bed ever since your comments began. Please have some respect for my current situation and let me move on with my life. Sorry you were offended by this post.

Much love,

candice said...

you've got the wrong idea about what I was saying. I wasn't attacking you, but if you're going to say things like that you'll need to be prepared to defend what you say and why you've said it. I'm glad you see where I'm coming from and understand how wrong it is to portray Jesus as a joke, though, if you meant to or not. it's a shame you let this upset you as much as it has, but that is not solely my fault.

sorry to hear about the death of your friend. I wasn't aware he passed :(

Sugar's Dream and RL said...

Whoa, Candice calm down, I see nothing wrong with what she posted, this is her blog and I feel like you are attacking her. By all means this was not directed to offend those who are pure of faith.
I posted the same thing out of humor and those that know me know that I do it out of fun and who I am.
If you are going to shun her for this you might as well shun us all.
I do know what Jesus has done for us all and I know he passes no judgement on his children, I do believe my ex fiance is with him now laughing at things like this and know we mean no harm.
I too am not in any shape or form attacking you, I am just defending my friend who is doing her best to get back on track with her life, I love her and only want to see her happy.
I love you both. So lets just forgive and forget and move on to our awesome craftiness.