Saturday, March 27, 2010

Things are Getting Better . . .

Anyone miss me? I've been away for a little while trying to get well. Depression is a "fickle bitch" as Benjamin Linus would say. Although I lost my best friend during my last depressive episode, I am getting better despite the sadness I'm having dealing with that loss.

I'm keeping busy attending group therapy 5 days a week. I should be done with that part of my treatment next week and then will move on to individual therapy. I've been crafting up a storm, but keep forgetting to take pictures of the items I make before packing them up to send out to swap partners or customers. Speaking of packing; I have to move by the middle of next month and need to begin that process. My friend is coming over today to help me get started.

So that's what has been going on in my little part of the world . . .



Sugar's Dream and RL said...

Hey Sexy Lady, Glad to hear you are back in action and getting better. I am sorry about your best friend. I am cheering for you on the sidelines. Love you and cant wait to see the things you been working on. Email me your new addy! :D

Holly said...

Sounds like things are looking up for you! I definitely think the group thing is a good idea. People can be awful, but they can also be very supportive. Just when I think I've lost my faith in humanity, somebody does something so inspiring that it turns me around. I'll be sending you lots of happy thoughts! Did you feel them? ♥